Hatha yoga poses and sequences for self care

Hatha yoga poses and sequences for self care. Yoga exercises are the most comprehensive method of self care, they work wonders in keeping the body healthy and the mind peaceful.  Yoga has simple and effective body movements that strengthen one’s back, firm the stomach, and redistribute body weight. Hatha yoga exercises stretch and tone the body muscles. They increase endurance and improve flexibility.

Hatha yoga health and wellness

hatha yoga self care

Yoga Asanas or positions are the best among all exercises for toning muscles, lubricating joints and massaging the body. Yoga postures bring physical as well as mental stability, health and vigor. These Asanas were developed thousands of years ago and have evolved over centuries. Asanas exercise the nerves, glands, ligaments, and muscles.

The aspect of Yoga that most people are aware of is “Hatha Yoga” or the Yoga of Postures. Developing a strong, healthy and flexible body is but one aspect of this ancient science. Yogis revere the body. However, they do this because they realize that a weak and tired body is a hindrance towards spiritual progress. By being mindful of their breathing while they practice the various postures, they train themselves to discipline their minds. By disciplining their minds, they are able to abide by the principles which Yoga stands for. First amongst these principles is “Ahimsa”, or peacefulness in thought, deed, and action not only to other human beings, but also to all living creatures, and most importantly to our own selves.

Yoga and self care

hatha yoga self care

Self care, the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. Yoga is one of the best methods of self-care since the benefits can be both physical and mental.

Hatha yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga may help reduce stress, lower blood pressure and lower your heart rate. And almost anyone can do it. Anyone can practice Yoga. You don’t need any special equipment, clothing, or lessons; all you need is the will to pursue a healthier and happier lifestyle. The Yoga Postures and Asanas exercise every part of your body. The stretching involved helps in toning your muscles and joints, including your spine and your entire Skeletal System. Yoga not only facilitates in improving your body but also aids in keeping your Glands, Nerves and your other internal organs in radiant health.

Hatha yoga benefits

hatha yoga self care

Hatha yoga is an ancient hindu system of working with the human nervous system. Because it releases tension and endows one with renewed energy, far too many 20th century people, yoga teachers included, have come to look upon the venerable Indian physical science as solely an exercise for health and vitality of mind and body and ultimately the biggest component of self care. It is that, but it is also much more. Hatha yoga practices are more spiritual than physical, more subtle than gross, more a means of understanding than an exotic way to relieve stress or limber up the body.

The sages who developed hatha yoga designed it as a way to gain conscious control of our life energies, a way to go within, to harmonize the external so the innermost Self could be encountered. To them, it was about states of consciousness, about living a divine life, and it was a preparation for meditation.

Hatha yoga benefits

As you perform the asanas, concentrate on feeling the energies within the nerve currents. Sensitize yourself to knowing when the body has been in each position long enough to tune the nerve currents involved. Then shift smoothly into the next asana. It’s like a dance, a deliberate, fluid dance. During all postures, inhale using the diaphragm, not the chest muscles. Do not stretch unduly or force the body. Relax into the poses. Don’t worry if you can’t perform them all perfectly. In time, you will find the body becoming more flexible and supple. Free the mind of thoughts and tensions. You will be more aware, more alive, more serene.

While there are many more complex hatha yoga routines, these twenty-four asanas provide a balanced system for daily use. For the simple purpose of quieting the mind in preparation for meditation, this is all you will ever need. For best results, hatha yoga should be taught personally by a qualified teacher. These instructions and drawings are meant only as a rudimentary aid. For more elaborate regimens, inquire at a recognized school specializing in hatha yoga.

Hatha yoga mental and physical health

hatha yoga self care

The scene of hatha yoga has a spiritual purpose – to balance physical and physic energies in preparation for meditation. It is not only meant to make us young, beautiful or creative, but to aid us in quieting the mind, body and emotions that we may awaken enlightened consciousness & know the Self within.

Hatha yoga is a 5000 year old system that is used to improve the health of your body, mind and spirit. Hatha yoga combines the stretching exercises of the asanas. Breathing techniques and mental concentration are included in hatha yoga.

The lotus position of the asanas is used in hatha yoga. Likewise, the goal of hatha yoga remains the same as that of the other types of yoga. And, the goal of hatha yoga is to blend the spirit of the universe with that of the human spirit. The spiritual, mental and physical health aspects are improved amazingly with the practice of the Hatha yoga. It also gives you peace of mind and improves your concentration. Concentration is the root ingredient of any yoga and its success.

Yoga and your mental health

In some ways all the types of yoga are related. Preparing the body to give in is the main goal of hatha yoga. Therefore, if the mind is relaxed and the spirit within you is enlightened you won’t feel the pain and the stress that you are experiencing. However, this is achieved with the practice of hatha yoga. You need to understand the relation between your body and the spirit. Also. if you do not understand the relation between them you might get confused. You spirit is responsible to accomplish any task.

If your body is not fit then your spirit may not accomplish what is wants. Hatha yoga helps you to maintain your body and the hence the spirit positively. This positive attitude keeps your mind healthy with good concentration. Hatha yoga comes to the mind of the people when they hear Yoga, since it is the popular branch of yoga. The other types of yoga that gave rise from hatha yoga are the Kundalini, Ashtanga, Bikram, and power yoga.

yoga and your mental health

Hatha yoga is considered and known as the vehicle of the soul. Hatha yoga is so relaxing that it drives both you body and spirit into the universe. This feeling can be compared to a person floating with no gravity at all. Again, many people are easily distracted by the outward forces and may not be able to focus on a particular task. Such people can benefit from hatha yoga. By constantly practicing hatha yoga you can find the divinity in yourself. This helps you to become stronger, relaxed and flexible apart from enlightening you.

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Final thoughts

Yoga is an effective way to relieve the body of stress and hatha yoga is the way to get it done. With harmony between your mind, body and spirit the spiritual energy will flow through the open energy channels. This also, is achieved only with Hatha yoga. A healthy body is necessary for your mind and spirit to be strong. As mentioned earlier, self care is way to protect your wellbeing and happiness. Incorporate yoga and self care into your daily routine and begin reaping the benefits of happier you!

Be Blessed…Stay Safe!

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