De-clutter for maximum productivity

How to de-clutter for maximum productivity so that productivity and success cohabitate.

We all need help from time to time…it’s ok! Admitting it is half the battle. Now let’s get to work so you can de-clutter for maximum productivity.

What is behind decluttering or being dis-organized? Do you get easily distracted? My hand is up. Organization and decluttering is a two way process…decluttering your space can also declutter your mental space. De-clutter for maximum productivity.

Research has shown that  clutter has a negative impact on your well-being…and it gives you scatter brains on top of that!! Who knew scatter brains were real. How do you move on and reclaim your brain? “No pun intended”!!!

Decluttering has become the phenom these days as seen by the Japanese Guru Marie Kondo, a New York Times bestseller and the Netflix show, Tidying Up.

The intention of the KonMari Method is to fill your home with only the items that resonate happiness. And, is also a minimalism influenced perspective to address your clutter, category by category instead of room by room. 

The Kondo theory suggests that the more you can eliminate, the easier it will be to organize.

With that being said…there is always more than one way to accomplish just about anything. I am big on individuality…what works for one may not work for someone else. I have the KonMari method but also an alternative way of decluttering…decide which one works for you or combine. We all have options in life!!

The most organized person was not born that way, organization evolves over time and sometimes we need help to get to that point. Life can be a never ending cycle and more times than not, messy happens. But not to worry…I have put together a list of how to’s, to get all of us back on track!

Lifestyle change to de-clutter for maximum productivity

Think of decluttering as a new way of life. De-cluttering is done on a weekly basis. Or once a month or even something that is done once a year. We tend to have yearly resolutions that typically don’t last. Don’t put reorganizing your space in that category!

Make sure everything in your house has a home…home within a home to de-clutter for maximum productivity

When you are at that place where you have downsized remember everything has a place…needs a place. It’s easy to just walk in the house and put a bag down, believe me I’ve done it way too often.  Or, I misplaced something and can’t for the life of me remember where I put it so i am spending way too much time looking for something when if i had just had a place for it…get where i am going with this? 🙂  

Maintaining order within the home takes time and practice…For the people. Rome was not built in a day!

Why organization is important. Being organized is important to de-clutter for maximum productivity

There are obvious benefits to being organized…

Reduce the likelihood of falling

lessen the chance of a fire inside the home

Put an end to possible pest issues

Uncomplicate the challenges of finding important things

Expand your capacity of engagement

Decrease the level of stress hormones

Decide what works for you, whether it’s the KonMari method, or however you decide to declutter. 

Clutter can have lasting  effects on your level of anxiety, sleep, and your ability to focus. 

When your surroundings are undisturbed, tranquil, and in order. Your mental has a likelihood to go along with it. Consciousness tends to lend itself to excessiveness, when surrounded by chaos and disorder. The inability to find things or maintain an organized order.  

Give away what you don’t need

Go through your closet or any area you are storing items and determine what you think you may or may not need any longer. There are plenty of charities who can use pretty much anything anyone has that is in decent shape. Give them a call and many if not all can pick up the donations. And, you are able to claim those donations on your income taxes. 

Replace instead of adding

To keep the clutter at a minimum after reorganization try this out…regift, donate or just throw away something similar but also does not have to be similar. Just make a habit of getting rid of something before bringing something into the home…replace then add.

Don’t put off til tomorrow, what you can get done today

The more you put something off, the more burdensome it becomes to accomplish or finish it. 

Organize immediately…it will be a huge weight off your shoulders. Think on what needs to be done. Ask the question. Do it now? And if so, do it. This will take the stress out of your organization endeavors and make the demands on your tolerable. 

Establish a clean up together theme day

Make cleaning up a group effort…get everyone in the house on board! Turn some music on…bake something yummy, make cleaning fun and sociable. Somehow delegating tasks and making it a group effort helps the cause…makes it seem less of a chore. This will also give the kiddos lessons on how to get and stay organized…establish this now and see the rewards later. 

Get smart on organizing to de-clutter for maximum productivity

Download the Trello app or any app that helps to keep up with errands and other responsibilities. I have a personal planner printable you can download as well.

Research has shown that clutter can have a negative effect on your mental health and overall well being. With everything else in life one has to deal with…why not aside some time to de-clutter your home. Bring back some normalcy. Always remember to de-clutter for maximum productivity.

You might be surprised. Spring cleaning can be a great choice for your brain health. Why? Clutter can affect your brain. More mess means more stress. Clutter can affect your ability to focus, your sleep, and your anxiety level. It can trigger coping strategies that make you more likely to grab junk food. That mess may even make you less productive.

Research shows that cluttered home and work environments take a toll on your brain, your mental well-being, and your overall health. If you were thinking of skipping the spring cleaning this year, think again! Do it for your brain! De-clutter for maximum productivity.

Be Blessed…Stay Safe!

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