The scientific benefits of yoga

The Scientifically Proven Benefits of Why maintaining a Yoga Routine Can Yield Lasting Physical and Mental Health Advantages

Yoga is a combination of physical, mental and spiritual regimens and also has scientific benefits. Derived from the Sanskrit word “yuji,” meaning yoke or union, yoga is an ancient practice that brings together mind and body. Yoga emerged in ancient India  and builds strength, awareness and balance in both the mind and body. A leading goal of yoga is to abide in the state of unadulterated consciousness. Maintaining a yoga routine has many physical and health advantages and the scientifically proven benefits of why maintaining a yoga routine can yield lasting physical and mental health advantages.

Yoga leverages your overall well being. It can be a tool to help you stay healthy and vitalize the body. And there are also scientific benefits of yoga.

There are many different yoga poses and practices and also scientific benefits of yoga…I have put together a list that I think you will enjoy.

As yoga has made its way  into mainstream acceptance, the countless different approaches have materialized into the scope of yoga. Yoga, a centuries-old Eastern ideology is omnipresent. And yoga is utilized by people of all ages, sizes, and influences. With scores of  distinct types of yoga, it can be quite staggering having to decide to whom each style is exactly for. That decision can depend on you asking yourself what is most important to you in endeavoring into the realm of yoga; does a more meditative, gentler approach resonate more or something more rigorous suits you better?

Remember that the yoga styles have similarities amongst themselves along with variations in the teaching processes inside all the teachings…decide which one works best for you. 


Hatha yoga combines breathwork with physical postures. Although Hatha is more commonly used, Hatha is the go to for those patrons with a more alternative style.


Vinyasa-style yoga merges rhythmic breathing with a sequence of flowy postures for a robust mind-body physical training session. Because it connects breath to tendencies, vinyasa yoga is fluid and swiftly  done. It is great for someone searching for an athletic and dynamic approach to yoga. Prepare to listen to upbeat music, sweat, and burn much needed calories in this classification of yoga!


Yoga Breathing or Pranayama, is the basis of yoga practices. It starts with increasing your breathing with the 3-part breath, then moves into a more progressive breathing practice such as Kapalabhati and the Alternate Nostril Breath. Pranayama also works in combination with the Asanas.

3 part breath; deeply breathe into the belly, spread out into the ribs and now send the breath all the way up to the chest. Visualize your breath in 3 parts. Inhale: belly, ribs, chest. Exhale: chest, ribs belly. Proceed with 5 grounding breaths.

Bikram (Hot) yoga

Bikram yoga became popular in the early 70’s and has gained momentum. The classes make up a predetermined order of 26 postures,

To duplicate the weather in India, Bikram is facilitated in a room with a temperature of  105 °F (41 °C) and with humidity at 40%, which is purposely designed. The rooms are equipped with carpet and walls adjourned with mirrors. Students are expected to adjust themselves accordingly. 

There are also physical and mental benefits of practicing yoga and also scientific benefits of yoga

The methodology that is embodied in yoga has the ability to decrease certain pain within the body; low back, arthritis, headaches and may even help with carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Other physical benefits of yoga include:

Yoga also had the ability to provide relief and aid in other benefits that are worth mentioning and also scientific benefits of yoga

  • increased muscle strength and tone
  • improved respiration, energy and vitality
  • maintaining a balanced metabolism
  • weight reduction
  • cardio and circulatory health
  • improved athletic performance
  • protection from injury 
  • increased flexibility

Yoga has certain poses that are the building blocks of yoga. The yoga pose changes the structure of the muscle. This allows the body to be in a state of optimal.


Asana (manner of sitting)  is a yoga position. Traditionally there are about 84 different Asana positions. To create a flow or sequence of poses yoga poses are used in combination. 

Mountain pose

Is the basis for all standing poses; it gives you an awareness of how to ground your feet and sense the earth underneath you.

Downward Dog

To completely stretch and strengthen the whole body, the downward dog is used in the majority of yoga practices and classes.


Educates us on how to stay steady while on our hands and also by using the entire body to aid us. It is an awesome way to strengthen the abdominals, and master the art of breathing to again help  aid us while in a challenging pose.


Is a great standing pose to elongate the sides of the waist, unlock the lungs, strengthen the legs and tone the whole body.


Is an amazing standing stabilizer for beginners to plod away on to acquire sharpness, and also to acquire the ability to breathe while positioning yourself  on one foot.

Warrior pose 1

Is a requirement for establishing stability and staying power in a yoga practice. Stretching the hips and thighs while building strength in the lower body is a key factor of warrior pose 1.

The Warrior 1 is an exceptional pose for stretching

Warrior 1 is a gentle backbend; and a great pose for opening up the front body muscles(quads, hip flexors, psoas) while building up the lower and upper extremities, hips, buttocks, and the core.

Warrior 2

Is an outward hip opener and extends the inner thighs and groin. It’s a good beginning point for countless side postures including.

Bridge is a good beginner’s backbend that stretches the front body and strengthens the back body.

Child pose

Is a good resting pose not just for beginners but for all levels of yoga enthusiasts.


Iyengar is a thorough or exact form of yoga, putting attention to the correct stance of a yoga pose. An Iyengar class will most likely bring forth a line up of yoga props – blocks, straps, bolsters, blankets, etc. – to assist everyone find proper alignment. It is also customarily facilitated with the absence of music. At a more leisurely stride to assist students to get more intensely into the postures and secure them for a longer time. This form of yoga is better for those with an injury or chronic condition.

It’s also a known fact that any type of relaxation can cause cortisol, the stress hormone to decrease and yoga is no exception. Many people add yoga to their fitness regimen. To enhance your ability to stretch and maintain the elasticity of the body. To improve balance and flexibility in older adults. The older adult population utilizes yoga for that reason.

As well as along with enhancing the stretching of the body, yoga is a significant improvement to a training program, there are scientific benefits of yoga.

Due to the many distinct yoga practices…everyone is able to begin a yoga regimen. All fitness levels are included, any age and size as well so give it a try!! Yoga can be a gateway to getting in tune with your body and the inner self and there are scientific benefits of yoga also!

Be blessed…stay safe!

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